My Work
Check out my projects here...

QuickBite- Restaurant Finder
Restaurant Finder is an application which aims at exploring every restaurant in the city and uses search filters to find the one that suits them the best.

Banking DApp
This project mainly focuses on creating and interacting with the smart contracts within an ethereum decentralised banking application.

Warehouse Supplychain
Warehouse supply chain is done with MySQL at the backend and Javascript in the frontend used to manage the activities in a warehouse.

Elevator Simulation
Elevator Simulation is done using C++ OOPs concept to handle all the requests provided to a lift.

Scientific Calculator
An android application which performs the functions of a basic calculator, scientific calculator and unit converter.

Snake and Ladder Game
A snake and ladder game that is done in C language which has graphics.

NEHA- Need Help App
End users for this Android App are persons with special needs. When they go to a new place, it's difficult for them to ask for help when in need. So this app helps the user to request for help.

Web Compiler is a web-based program development environment. This is a compiler for HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Click on "View Web Page" to see the deployed site.

Flight Tracking System
This is a dynamic webpage for a Central Maintenance System, which will help the Airbus Ground Crew to upload the flight data in the database.

CPU Scheduler
CPU Scheduler is a C++ console application that does various scheduling algorithms such as FCFS, SJF, Round Robin, Priority scheduling.